Panchayat Villages
ग्राम पंचायत उड़सर का गठन पांच गांवों उड़सर, उड़सर भेभरान, भोलूसर, भींवसर व पुनसीसर को मिला के हुआ है | उड़सर सब से बड़ा गांव होने के साथ ही पंचायत मुख्यालय भी है | पंचायत का दूसरा सब से बड़ा गांव भींवसर है | उसके बाद जनसँख्या के हिसाब से भोलूसर, पुनसीसर और उड़सर भेभरान का नंबर आता है
Udsar –
उड़सर के इतिहास की बात करें तो यहां के पूर्वजों के अनुसार यह गांव सरदारशहर से भी पुराना बसा हुआ है। तहसील मुख्यालय से महज 5 किलोमीटर पूर्व दिशा में राज्य राजमार्ग संख्या 6 पर स्थित है जो देश की राजधानी नई दिल्ली से 315 किमी एवं राज्य की राजधानी से 276 किमी तथा जिला मुख्यालय से 63 किमी दूरी पर स्थित है उड़सर लोडेरा गांव ग्राम पंचायत मुख्यालय है जिसके अंतर्गत उड़सर भेभरान, भोलुसर, भींवसर, पुनसीसर आदि राजस्व ग्राम शामिल हैं। गांव में 450 घर हैं। उड़सर गांव अपने पुराने पीपल के पेड़ों एवं मंदिरों के गगनचुंबी शिखरों की वजह से जाना जाता है। इसकी प्रमुख विशेषता यह है कि गांव में एक भी द्विमंजिला मकान नहीं है। गांव में लगभग सभी कौमें है जो बड़े ही भाईचारे के साथ रहती हैं । गांव में हर गली में पक्की ईंटों की सड़क बनीं हुई है घर घर पेयजल का कनेक्शन लगा हुआ है बिजली की भी सुचारू आपूर्ति होती है यातायात के साधनों की बहुत ही शानदार व्यवस्था है क्योंकि गांव दिल्ली बीकानेर राजमार्ग पर स्थित है।
गांव में एक उच्च माध्यमिक स्तर का राजकीय विद्यालय तथा एक उच्च प्राथमिक स्तर का बालिका राजकीय विद्यालय है तथा दो आंगन बाड़ी संचालित हो रही हैं। गांव में प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र भी बना हुआ।
Bhinwsar –
Bhinwsar is the second largest village of the panchayat with a population of over 5000 citizens. Historically this is around 500 years old village and it was populated in 1570 by ancestors of Saran, Pandiya & Nayak communities. With the passing of years various other communities settled down here in the village and it’s home of almost all major communities like Nai, Kumhar, Meghwal, Rajput, Khati, etc.
Village is the second largest village of the Panchayat and is located at a distance of 2.5KM from the Panchyat Headquarters. The distance of the village from the tehsil headquarter is just 7KM and that has helped the development of the village in a larger perspective.
Bholusar –
Bholusar is the nearest village from Panchayat headquarters with a population of over 2000 citizens. Historically this is around 400 years old village and it was populated in 1680 by ancestors of Saran, Pandiya & Nayak communities. With the passing of years various other communities settled down here in the village and it’s home of almost all major communities like Nai, Kumhar, Meghwal, Rajput, Khati, etc.
The village is located on Delhi to Bikaner state highway and it’s the first village when you drive on Delhi road from Sardarshahar. The distance of the village from the tehsil headquarter is just 5KM and that has helped the development of the village in a larger perspective.
Punsisar –
Punsisar is the last and far most village from panchayat headquarter. Historically this is around 500 years old village and it was populated in 1459 by ancestors of Saran, Pandiya & Nayak communities. With the passing of years various other communities settled down here in the village and it’s home of almost all major communities like Nai, Kumhar, Meghwal, Rajput, Khati, etc.
The village is located on Delhi to Bikaner state highway and it’s the first village when you drive on Delhi road from Sardarshahar. The distance of the village from the tehsil headquarter is just 5KM and that has helped the development of the village in a larger perspective.
Udsar Bhebhra –
Udsar Bhebhra is the panchayat headquarter and the largest village of the panchayat with a population of over 5000 citizens. Historically this is around 600 years old village and it was populated in 1459 by ancestors of Saran, Pandiya & Nayak communities. With the passing of years various other communities settled down here in the village and it’s home of almost all major communities like Nai, Kumhar, Meghwal, Rajput, Khati, etc.
The village is located on Delhi to Bikaner state highway and it’s the first village when you drive on Delhi road from Sardarshahar. The distance of the village from the tehsil headquarter is just 5KM and that has helped the development of the village in a larger perspective.